
Showing posts from November, 2011

Best Friends

So, I don't quite know how I got on the topic, but I found myself in the bathroom this morning thinking about it. And before you people think dirty things about me, I was at the sink. So there. ANYWAY... You know the saying "you can't choose your family"? Well, the same goes for best friends, in a way. I mean, think about it. When you first meet people, you don't know anything about them. They could be the nicest person in the world and then turn out to be a mass murderer or something, but it doesn't matter because that murderer is your best friend and that's all that matters to you. And as I was thinking about this, I was wondering why that is. Why are we predetermined to like some people and not others? Surely, some factors are based on how they react to you, some people are just plain mean, but hey, even they have friends who must like them. The fact of the matter is, people become friends based on their first reaction to each other. Think back to k...