Best Friends

So, I don't quite know how I got on the topic, but I found myself in the bathroom this morning thinking about it. And before you people think dirty things about me, I was at the sink. So there. ANYWAY...

You know the saying "you can't choose your family"? Well, the same goes for best friends, in a way. I mean, think about it. When you first meet people, you don't know anything about them. They could be the nicest person in the world and then turn out to be a mass murderer or something, but it doesn't matter because that murderer is your best friend and that's all that matters to you.

And as I was thinking about this, I was wondering why that is. Why are we predetermined to like some people and not others? Surely, some factors are based on how they react to you, some people are just plain mean, but hey, even they have friends who must like them. The fact of the matter is, people become friends based on their first reaction to each other. Think back to kindergarten, when everyone was a new face and no one was friends. How fast did it take you to break out of your shell and become best friends with someone?

I hate to quote High School Musical here, but Gabriella was right. You meet a person and then five minutes later, you're best friends. Now, you could argue that that's just the naivety of the 5-year-old. But think of middle school, junior high, high school, college. It's the same basic principal. It may take a little longer based on past experiences, but in a very short amount of time, you're best friends.

You could also argue that you do choose your best friends because you choose the people you talk to. But why do you choose them? Is it the clothes they wear, the expression on their face? No. You may disguise it as that, but in reality, it's their aura. It's just something about them that screams "HEY! I wanna be your best friend!" In a matter of hours, you could be the closest people in the world. It's not scientific, it's basic primal instinct.

And the same goes for when people come up to you to talk. They got the same signal you would have gotten had you seen them first. And for the people who meet online, well...they say the computer screen does not convey emotions very well, but it does. You may not catch every witticism or sarcastic remark. You may not even be able to always tell when someone is happy or sad, but I strongly believe that a personality can be transported through the information super highway from their computer to yours. It's just that feeling you get when you know something is right. It clicks.

And for the people who say you can only have one best friend...Well, they've obviously led a very sheltered life.

-- Cassy


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