Why does no one EVER tell me anything?

So, I've been working this week...On Monday, I worked for two hours and left, no one said anything, just asked why I was leaving so early. I thought they meant because I didn't get as many interviews and because I usually work three hours. Well, I just left. Didn't see the point to stay, because I sure don't wanna pay taxes yet...

Yesterday I did the same thing, only a boss was there this time and I was told that I was supposed to be working five hours a day. Yea...a bit late, don't you think? No one ever told me how long I had to work...I was basing the german interviews off of the english ones, where I could come and go any time I liked and where I got like 8 interviews in three hours (those interviews were long, thank you very much).

Well...turns out it's not. And no one thought to tell me. -.-'

The thing is, I still get paid 10 euros/hour, and if I work every day of every week for five hours a day, I'll be weeeell over the 349.01 € I'm allowed to earn. Which makes no sense. So am I being forced to pay taxes now or what? I mean, I'm only gonna be able to work for these two months, anyway, so there's really no point. If they really expect me to work after school for five fucking hours, they're sadly dillusional. Especially since they're only open from 3:30 in the afternoon to 8:30 at night. I mean, in the summer, it's pretty much whatever, cause I've been staying up till, like, 4 in the morning every day, anyway...but it's different during the school year, especially since sometimes, I'm gonna have to stay in school until, like, 7 at night for classes.

That's another thing. We got 7 new first grades this year. 7!! That's 30 kids per class, that's 210 new kids. And the people that graduated? Like, 12. So yeah, that's really messed up. Apparently, we'll be getting 2 new classrooms and 2 less recreation places. Wonderful, no? Next year's gonna be just great. Classes until 7, extra classes like Physics, Chemistry and advanced Computer Science (ok, I signed up for that one, but whatever) and we have to do, like, 2 seminars a year. Hopefully the normal classes will be better than last year, though. So much to do...

But I bet English will be. Especially since I'm still amazed we managed to throw our old teacher into early retirement...hehe. Supposedly, we're getting a brand new young English teacher. Wonder how good she'll be...Then again, just about anything's better than Eva Bosek...x/

We won't have the same Biology teacher, either, apparently, which really sucks, because he was awesome when he wanted to be. The grading system in German's gonna be different, too...A point system, she said. I guess you get a certain amount of points for class participation, giving in homework and stuff...Pretty cool, since I always hand my homework in and I'm pretty good with class participation and stuff...It's just the written tests I'm bad at. Haha.

I'm thinking about getting my lower lip pierced. I dunno why...just seems like a good idea right now. And hey, if I don't like it, I can always take it out, right? I mean, irregular piercings close up faster than the ones in your earlobes, because your earlobes are basically just skin...Which makes it harder to close up, because the veins and vessels aren't as good as, say, your upper ear. And apparently, this summer is biology and logical thinking summer, because I can't stop spouting off these annoying facts. Grr.

I'm also thinking about buying the Aqua colored contacts for the wedding...just to try them out a bit. I got my green ones in May, though, so October will be the last month for my green ones, and, since the wedding's in October, there's no point in buying the Aqua ones. Unless I buy them 2 months early (it took like a month for them to even send the green ones) and then I can alternate between both green and aqua...That'd be cool. I could be like my old cat, Tic Tac, and put one green contact in and one aqua one...hehe. That'd be fun.

I'm basically just waisting time until I have to get dressed and leave for work now, though, so I'll spare you from my thoughts on the democratic parties (for now...hehe) and leave you with this movie/book recommendation: "Flowers in the Attic" is one of the coolest movies I've seen. Go to wikipedia and check both book and film out, because I don't feel like relating right now. Just do it. ^.-



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