
...yea, I have NO idea...

I just felt the need to tell you all that my room (and right outside of my window) is being attacking by fliiiiiiies! Icky, I know. But seriously, this fly has been in my room for three days now (I just foudn out there are two, which can't mean anything good for me...x/) and it WON'T LEAVE. I have the windows open ALL DAY, but it will not fly out. It refuses. It's EVIL. I finally got the one out (I had to kill the other one...I haven't seen any other flies yet...thank Goooood) and now it's buzzing around outside my window, trying to get in my room. -.-'

This is almost as bad as my growing spider paranoia.

I hate insects.

They are evil.

And yes, I am aware that a spider is not considered an insect, but shaddap!



xLeeB said…
I sent them... bwahaha!

What's with the not posting for a month?! rofl, sounds like something I would do... and you mustn't turn into me!
redrosemakeup said…
Hey :)

I just came across your blog when I searched for students :)

Just to say I love your blog and I have flies in my room too ! They are soooooooooooooo annyoing. I keep just trying to squash them then they ecscape :(

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