Time for a new 'do

Well, I was watching The Prince and Me earlier (actually, I've been watching it for like three days, because I keep having to stop watching it for some reason, but today I finished it, go me!) and I decided that Julia Stiles' hairstyle (punnage!) in the movie would probably be manageable with my nifty little hair straightener, so I've called up my hairdresser, Nelly, and made an appointment for around the 20th (depending on our schedules) for a hair cut. I even printed out pictures of the cut and everything. I'm so proud. -tear-

Now, I know every time I get a haircut, I say, "I'm gonna let it grow out this time," but that never happens, because, if you know me, you know that I have the irresistable urge to always have something in my life change at irregular times. That, more often than not, would be my hair, seeing as it's the easiest to change (see two posts earlier, purple hair? Get it?), and I always like to be one step ahead of the haircutting train (although it seems that everyone always gets the same idea and does it too....hmm.).

So, yea. And if you're wondering what the new hairstyle will look like...well, go watch The Prince and Me and be surprised. Whoooo! I'm sure it'll look nothing like that in real life, bu hey, I'm a narc when it comes to my hair. It always looks good. ^.-

Except when it's like only 2 inches long and sticks up in odd places. But I'd never go out in PUBLIC like that...hehe. ^^

But anyway, it'll hopefully look super-cool, because I've got the awesome purplishness in it (as can be seen in my profile pic) which will look even better in my short hair, because the color's darker up top than down on the bottom because...well, the scientific explanation for it is because you apply the dye at the oots, which means it has more time to settle in that on the bottom, which means that it darkens the hair more unless you start on the bottom and really, you can't start from the bottom because that would be idiotic and-I think I'll just stop that right now.

Aaaaaaaaaaanyway, look out for new pictures, because they'll be coming soonafter payday!

OH, and speaking of jobs, I'm supposed to be getting a call from this lady wo mom taught the last few weeks about a job handing out flyers for 7 euros an hour and 2 hours a day. That's pretty good. xD

Ok, I'll stop now, really, I will.



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