I'm still a rockstar

I feel like posting something, so I guess I'll tell you about a particularly painful conversation I had with Eric today. To clear this up before I start telling you: It was painful because I must've pulled a muscle somewhere in my back and every time I take a deep breath, it's pretty painful. That's all.

See, the whole thing started when Eric IMed me. I haven't had the new MSN for a while, so I didn't know what to expect for a picture when I saw the little tab blinking orange in my taskbar. Honestly, I wasn't actually expecting to look at his picture, since it never made a difference before, but it caught my eye today.

So, he IMed me, saying hello, and I was about to write hi back when I saw this picture. Instead of the hi I had planned, I wrote, "wtf is up with your picture?"

This then escalated into an elaborate discussion about girls in schoolgirl uniforms and bikini bottoms, and about a different picture of a guy who I thought was a girl (and who Eric originally thought was a girl, too) and how everyone became obsessed with his picture after they saw it.

I'll put up a few parts of our conversation later, because I don't have it saved on this computer.

But I think the best part of this conversation was the fact that it lasted a really long time, we laughed way too much (pain!) and Eric used emoticons and "lol"s, "haha"s and other such words, something he rarely does. It was the first relaxed and fun conversation I think we've ever had...It was awesome.

And I had to share!


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