A Little Message for the Holidays!

To those of you who like being moved by other people's confessions, I think this message will benefit you:

(This was taken off of Frank Warren's PostSecret website on December 8th, 2008)

(A brief message from Frank; founder of PostSecret.)

I understand that you do not expect to see my words here so I will be as brief as possible.

PostSecret needs your help. Unless a significant number of the four PostSecret books sell this season, I will need to accept some of the advertising offers I have previously rejected.

In the four year history of this website, I have not had to make a direct appeal like this before, but I am desperate to keep paid ads off this website, I hope you feel the same way.

Please consider buying the four PostSecret books for yourself or as gifts. They are all available in hardcover from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Borders or your favorite Independent bookshop.

I'd also like to take this opportunity to say Happy Birthday to my baby cousin, Rachel! ^^



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