Long time...

...no post. Sorry bout that.

As my Aunt Jen, I've been sucked into the wonderfully addicting and time consuming world of Facebook. Basically, Facebook is just like Myspace, only without the 'stupid', self expressing layouts and confusing codes. There are applications and 'likes', status updates (as you can see, I've submitted to the world of Twitter as well and now have a so-called widget (who the hell came up with THAT name?) in my sidebar...enjoy, you stalkers), games, flair (can you say Office Space?) and much more.

And no, I'm NOT trying to pull you all down to the dark side (although, we DO have cookies...and cupcakes!) and get you all to -cough- getafacebookandaddme...I'm not. Really.

Let's see...since you obviously don't have me on Facbeook (I think...can't be too sure who reads this...if anyone) you haven't seen my frequent status updates, so I'll recap:

Last post I put up was around Xmas...so, about a month and a half has gone, nothing too big.

New Years was dull...not much happened, hung by myself at home and watched the idiots outside shoot of fireworks every few seconds, which made the sky glow brightly and my eardrums drum unpleasantly.

January went by pretty fast, the beginning of February was our week off for Semester Break, got some relaxing done and stuff...chilled, you know. The grades for my first semester weren't entirely up to par for me, but apparently two Ds and 3 Cs are impressive...ok, so the rest were 6 As and 2 Bs...What surprised my mother was the A I got in Physics...although, it didn't surprise me in the least. See, our Physics teacher is awesome...every period he tests or knowledge with questions pertaining to what we went over last period (we have him twice a week: Monday, last period, Tuesday, first) and most of the time, he just repeats the same question week after week after week, so by the third week, you know what's coming and can get an easy plus (his grading system is based on plus/minus. The more plusses you have, the better the grade, obviously).

You need a certain amount of plusses (I have no idea if that's the correct plural form the word plus, by the way...) to get a certain grade. 22 for a D, up and up until you get to an A, for which you'd need 36 to get. Well...

By the end of the winter semester, I had 37. That's without the five he gives you just to give you a fighting chance, and without the ten I would've gotten extra for doing the diary we're supposed to do after every two (Mon/Tues) class periods. Just from being "smart". Here's the conversation that followed:

Pauker: So, Chiddi (he likes to abbreviate names of students...since my last anme is Chidester...yea.), where's your diary?
Me: I don't have it.
P: Why not?
M: I didn't want to do it.
P: You know you get three points docked if you don't have it.
M: But if I have 37 points without the five you give everyone anyway, even if you take 3 off for the diary, I'll still have 39 points anyway. I just won't have 52 like I'm supposed to.
P: ...very clever, Chiddi. Very clever...

That was a great conversation.

Ok, non-school news:

I've been hired by my mother to clean the whole apartment every week in exchange for 20 euros. Pretty good deal. That and she's been in my room multiple times this weekend and it's totally and completely trashed and she hasn't said a thing...it's kinda starting to creep me out a little.

I finally got my ball dress, which you'll be seeing soon. I broke down and said I was going to the ball this year and since I have the dress already, I guess I kinda can't bail now. And the dress was definitely not cheap...150 Euros for it. That's not including a shirt to put on over it, which would've been an additional 150. But now I'll just have to go to New Yorker and get a black bolero (half shirt type thing with long sleeves mostly) to wear that night. At least I'll be able to wear it as a normal shirt later. ^^

To describe the dress a little so you don't die in suspense (ha, ha):

It's floor length and straight, not poofy. Black silk body, gauzy black body over it. Neck holder, no sleeves, open back down to under my shoulder blades (you kinda have to wear a bra underneath it...haha). There are black beads in the shapes of flowers on the neck holder and chest with shimmery red material in it. Now all I have to do is figure out how to do my hair (which is short once again...) and find the right jewelry and get the black shoes out of my mom's closet...and buy the stupid bolero. Haha.

On the day we (me and Mom) bought the dress, we also went to the glasses store and bought two pairs of new glasses. My perscription is like...3 or 4 years old now and my glasses aren't holding up too well, but luckily the new additions will be in on Monday. If you're lucky and I'm feeling nice, you might just get a picture.

Warning: They're hot pink. I was feeling bold.

Valentine's Day was a wash, as usual, and now I'm sick...I'm not sure if I'm going to school tomorrow...but I have to pick my glasses up. We'll see how I feel in the morning.



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