Rockin' the new month in...

To celebrate the month of March (HA), I've decided that I will save my hard-earned cleaning money and buy the following:

1) A ticket to FOB's Concert at the Gasometer for the 17th of March
2) The bolero I've put off buying for quite some time...
3) A ticket to the dance (I've already booked a table, soooo...)

I'm also quite prou f myself. I've accomplished a lot lately, including completely cleaning out, reorganizing and shucking my room; moving my desk to the window next to my bed so I canwork better; finishing two projects for German in record time; actually managed to KEEP my room clean for over a week (!); and some other things that I won't trouble you all with because I don't want you to know. xP


I still have to find someplace to put my beloved GC posters up (right next to my bed won't work, since I like to lean on the wall and that's how they got so torn up in he first place...), type up all my work for yet another German project (although if I get my things back from Nati, it won't take long because I already typed up the first 7 stations ^^), name a picture for the project for extra credit (maybe you know it: 17th century memento mori of half of a woman with long, blonde hair and hr other half is a skeleton with a snake as the top rib. It's a copper engraving in color (although I only hve a black/white copy of it)...if you know of anything like it, please let me know!! It should be either Dutch or German, I was told) and do some laundry...

The dreaded chores.

I swear I must be insane though...It's still winter and yet, my bedroom window is open 24/7 (on the plus side: normall my room stinks, but now it never does, even though there's a stinky pile of laundry rotting in the corner)...I'm freezing but I'm just too lazy to get up and clos the window...And if I DID get up...the desk is in the way of the window and I don#t know if I could reach it. Haha!

Maybe if I'm feeling up to it, I'll post some pics of the new room later...maybe.


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