Dieting and Everyone's a Critic

So, I was checking my e-mail just now and I usually skim the headlines on Yahoo! Mail for the Entertainment section. It's fun and I get bored so if people I like are in the news I'll read it. Anyway, today there was the headline "Butler's Detoxing".

Since I've been in a Gerard Butler mood lately ("The Ugly Truth", "P.S. I love you", etc.), I checked it out. I mean, it's like 8 and I'm bored cause we're not watching a movie and I'm not interested in whatever he's watching on the TV...And naturally, "detoxing" + celebrities = drugs, so I was getting prepared to be disappointed in Butler because I got the impression he was one of the good guys without the twisted private life.

To get to the point of my post...

Butler was detoxing his body to lose weight and get into shape. He was talking about this lemon water and cayenne pepper diet which seemed kinda weird. But apparently it works for him, so I checked it out online.

And yes, I'm aware that these diets that you find online are the Devil in person, but hey, a girl's a little desperate.

Basically, it's just fresh squeezed lemon, water, some maple syrup and cayenne pepper to taste. Seems harmless enough. I mean, this thing lasts around 10 days and you're only allowed to have the lemon water. No food. Just water and lemon and pepper. Not even veggies and whatever.

It seems extreme and I don't know why anyone would do it to themselves...or I didn't until I looked down at my protruding gut and decided I needed to do something about it.

I figure that instead of only drinking this weird mixture, I could eat only the dinner Mom makes at night (you know, so she doesn't get suspicious) and then drink the water the rest of the day. It's not like I do much else anyway. Actually, I skip breakfast, go to school, starve until I get home and then stuff my face with whatever I can find that looks good. Usually it's soup, cause we rarely have anything good at home.

Maybe if I had this weird water stuff I could lose some weight and not be hungry at all. Cause I think we all know that if we drink too much water at some point we're not gonna wanna eat anything anymore. Plus if you drink enough water, your body doesn't need to store it and the stored water that provides you with that bit of weight you just can't seem to lose will be flushed right out.

I think it's a good

In other news, I saw Julie & Julia today. It was a really good movie and I recommend it to anyone who needs a good success story. It's based on true events, so you know that it's not just Hollywood bull shit, which makes it all the better. Plus the fact that Julia Child is just the funniest woman alive helps, too. And it's a real movie, not one of those polished, primmed and proper Hollywood lies you see all day every day in the theaters (i.e. Twilight, Harry Potter, spoof movies, remakes, etc.).

It's not like I have anything against those movies...I like them, I really do. But they're just so FAKE. The acting is substandard and I KNOW the actors and actresses can do better than what the give you on screen, because, well, they made it into the film, didn't they?


Harry Potter 1-3: Absolutely amazing movies. Acting was great, the characters were completely believable, the dialogue was superb and real (as real as a movie about wizards can get, at least).

Harry Potter 4-6: Annoying. It's almost like the actors got a little famous and decided they'd get paid big bucks anyway and they can't do whatever they want and can just stop trying. Emma and Dan, above all, fit that description. Dan's speech was shifty and suspicious and Emma was just totally off balance. I was a little happier with the 6th film than I was with the 4th and 5th films, because the acting seemed to be a little more like the first three, but it was still a sub par performance and not up to my expectations.

Don't even get me started on sticking the book and authenticity...

Anyway, to make a long post shorter: Movies back in the old days were way better and I miss them.



SharpieGoddess said…
You're beautiful just the way you are, sweety. You don't need some weirdo-water diet. You're perfect. As for the celeb harry potter thing, I totally agree. The first two were great, I hated the 3rd, and then 4-6 were just outrageous.
Chloe said…
I decided not to try the diet thing, but I'd still like to tone my tummy up a bit...haha

I realyl liked the third one! It was funny. xD

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