Ode to a Dick.

Before you read this blog post, read the story I'm talking about:
Just Another Day in the Ghetto - Michael Crook

did you even know the two girls from your story just another day in the ghetto?
mikecrookaim (14:17:42): of course not, but it was a funny story.
stabmysanity15 (14:17:52): for you, maybe.
mikecrookaim (14:18:01): no maybe about it.
stabmysanity15 (14:18:09): probably not for the hundreds of people who knew and loved them.
mikecrookaim (14:18:12): People need to get a grip and stop taking it so personally
stabmysanity15 (14:18:30): i'm sorry if people actually have souls and care. obviously you know nothing about that.
mikecrookaim (14:18:44): Nope. I don't, just like you know nothing about not hiding behind proxy servers.
stabmysanity15 (14:19:12): i'm sorry. i just get upset when i see things like this.
mikecrookaim (14:19:29): I don't care. Peoples' emotions are their own problems.
mikecrookaim (14:19:51): Besides, I find it funny that a satanist would hangout with a nigger.
stabmysanity15 (14:20:06): then why do you provoke them? you make it your problem. especially when you post your ridiculously arrogant and racist story on a public facebook page.
mikecrookaim (14:20:24): I can't help it if people can't handle adversity.
stabmysanity15 (14:20:56): adversity is not what they have a problem with. it's your ignorance and simple mindedness that riles them up.
mikecrookaim (14:21:16): Not my problem.
stabmysanity15 (14:22:22): i'd like to see how you'd feel if someone close to you died like that and then you saw some idiot posting stories like yours on the internet.
mikecrookaim (14:22:47): Actually, that did happen, and I posted the story myself. No one's safe.
stabmysanity15 (14:23:55): then either you're a liar to make a point or you are the worst possible example of a wannabe journalist i've ever seen and you should be ashamed of yourself for having no self respect and no morals at all.
mikecrookaim (14:24:28): morals are for losers....plain and simple. I see funny stories, and I write about them, no matter who they're about.
stabmysanity15 (14:25:13): and what, pray tell, is funny about a car crash? the morbid way the corpses are lying on the road or the devastating phone calls the doctors have to make?
mikecrookaim (14:25:35): the thought of two teenagers flying through the air and splattering all over the pavement is a good start.
stabmysanity15 (14:26:08): i bet you'd say that even if it was YOU flying through the air.
stabmysanity15 (14:26:36): too bad you can't write about yourself if you're dead.
mikecrookaim (14:26:42): Absolutely. If I could, in that situation, I'd at least try to tweet before I clocked out.
stabmysanity15 (14:27:38): you're so full of shit.
mikecrookaim (14:28:17): Well, think whatever you want, but fair's fair. When I die, someone's gonna blog about it, and if I have a chance before I die, I just whip out my BlackBerry and tweet it. No biggie.
stabmysanity15 (14:28:41): that's assuming someone cares enough about you dying to even write the story.
stabmysanity15 (14:28:59): but wait, they do. they'll all write about how happy they are the piece of shit writer died
mikecrookaim (14:29:09): oh, believe me, everytime I write one of these stories, I get several idiots who claim they're hurt, and promise to blog about me when I die.
stabmysanity15 (14:29:35): you're a sad excuse for a human.
mikecrookaim (14:29:50): No, I'm just not brainwashed into social mores like you seem to be.
stabmysanity15 (14:32:00): so caring for other people, depending on them, that's me being brainwashed, is it? well, tell me, do you buy food at a grocery store? do you have electricity in your house? i assume so, since you're not dead from malnutrition and you're talking to me on a computer that generally needs electricity. so you're just as dependant on our social system as i - and everyone else on this earth - am. and you, you poor little i-don't-care-about-anyone-but-myself sack of shit would drop dead if people stopped helping you out.
stabmysanity15 (14:32:25): and let's face it, you don't post stories for yourself. you post them for other people.
mikecrookaim (14:32:32): ahh, but you're talking about things for which you pay. You pay, I assume, for food, and power...
mikecrookaim (14:32:38): so your logic fails.
stabmysanity15 (14:32:41): why, oh ignorant one, would you do that if you don't care about anyone else?
mikecrookaim (14:33:11): I don't care. If I did care about people, I'd write sappy, happy, caring stories.
stabmysanity15 (14:33:22): no, my logic does not fail. yes, you have to pay, but if people just stop providing things for money, you'd still be shit out of luck.
mikecrookaim (14:33:48): and if consumers stopped buying, they'd be shit out of luck. Works both ways.
stabmysanity15 (14:34:07): and you just proved my point!
stabmysanity15 (14:34:14): we're all codependant on each other.
mikecrookaim (14:34:31): but there's a difference between business and caring about people.
stabmysanity15 (14:35:56): sure there is. business is money and caring is unconditional. but there are thousands and millions of people out there who are just sick of their jobs but they don't stop working because they know people depend on them and they CARE.
mikecrookaim (14:36:53): that sounds rather stupid on their part.
mikecrookaim (14:37:02): It's all business for me.
mikecrookaim (14:37:26): that's why I had so much fun managing a drug store, towing peoples' cars, closing five minutes early so they couldn't get their scripts...good times.
stabmysanity15 (14:38:12): you belong in a mental institution. you really do.
mikecrookaim (14:38:26): ahhh, because according to you, everyone should care about everyone.
mikecrookaim (14:38:36): And you, arrogant one, expect everyone to feel exactly as you do.
stabmysanity15 (14:38:40): the people there would be trying to help you.
mikecrookaim (14:38:50): because they get paid to do so. Business.
stabmysanity15 (14:39:11): they got into that profession to help people. caring.
mikecrookaim (14:39:20): For money. Business.
stabmysanity15 (14:39:42): to provide for themselves and their families. caring.
stabmysanity15 (14:41:23): and really. if you didn't care about anything that happened, if you really are as indifferent to everyone as you'd like to think you are, you would've blocked me a long time ago and been done with it.
mikecrookaim (14:41:59): To the contrary, you amuse me.
mikecrookaim (14:42:06): You seem to be very worked up over this.
mikecrookaim (14:42:12): else you would have walked away long ago.
mikecrookaim (14:42:16): Again, works both ways.
stabmysanity15 (14:42:29): i never denied that i'm not worked up about it. quite the opposite, actually.
mikecrookaim (14:42:39): and that's sad.
mikecrookaim (14:42:46): it shows you're brainwashed.
stabmysanity15 (14:43:16): it shows your a dick who doesn't have anything to live for but himself. now who's sad?
stabmysanity15 (14:43:54): so screw you, asshole. go on posting your stories, keep being amused at the enraged comments. but next time, get your fucking facts straight.


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