Review of 11th Grade

Well, people, it's that time of year again. The school year is almost over and it's time to review the school year.

Grades are as follows:

Math - B
German - D
English - A
French - C
Latin - D
Geography - C
History - C
Computer Science - C
Music - A
Psychology - B
Chemistry - C
Physics - A
Schlüsselqualifikationen (no way to directly translate that...) - A
(List may be edited at a later date because I'm not sure they're all right.)

Not my best year, as you can see, but I'm not sweating it. Next year, however, will be tough. Finals, theses and various other small projects await me. But then my high school career is over and I become a college student. Studying for free (!!!) in Semmering college of tourism management.

Let's see if I can make it.

Anyway, yesterday was the first and last showing of The Sound of Music, played by my mixed music class. I played Maria (the lead...ugh) and I've heard I was pretty good. My opinion? I was red in the face because the lights were so freaking hot, I spoke too fast and not clearly enough, my singing was wobbly and I rushed through the scenes. Everyone else was wonderful, though, and the audience (which was rather huge) went wild, which I guess is a good sign.

We (that is, the cast and members who worked on the play with us) will be getting a DVD of the show. I'm dreading it, but I guess I'll need it. I know that if our teacher tries to pull the same thing next year (she pretty much forced this play on us), I will not volunteer to be the lead.



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