Twisted Girl

As I was playing Rummy with my mother, we were talking about swimming and taking $150 out of my American bank account (child support money) next month to pay for a year-round pass to a pool. I asked her what about college? Because the funds in the account were all going towards my higher education. What she told me: "Live a little. After all, come next year, we might not even be in Austria anymore." I looked at her incredulously and asked her what she meant. She said that if things went wrong, we might be moving. Wonderful.

After that, I got to thinking about the past times we'd moved and somehow I mixed in a comment an Austrian friend had left on my Facebook account yesterday, about how she was so glad that I was going to stay in Austria to study so we could keep getting together as friends. It was just now, not 5 minutes ago, that I realized that I'm kind of a bitch.

Every time I've moved before, I've promised countless people to stay in touch. I told them I'd write, I'd call, I'd come visit. Only once did I tell the truth. The last big move (America --> Austria) was the only time I actually kept my promise and stayed in touch with the friends I'd left behind. Or at least, the first time I'd tried.

But I know in my bones that when I go off to college, I'll forget all about the people in this school and I probably won't keep in touch all that much either. Sure, the occasional comment on Facebook, a birthday greeting, maybe. But actually drive out to Vienna and spend a weekend with them? Not probable.

I realized that I don't like making bonds with people because I know, eventually, inevitably, I will leave them. I guess it's just easier to sever ties with people quickly so it's less painful than the year-long runaround would be. I know that if I attempted to stay in touch with people, it would last the infamous year. It would start out well, sending letters back and forth. But once other friends and school got in the way, the letters would come less and less until they would eventually stop altogether. It seems less painful that way, but believe me, thinking back, it hurts all the more.

After all, the phrase is "high school friendships never last", is it not? I guess it's true in most cases. Small town best friends grow apart when they go off to separate colleges in different cities. They make new friends, they see the old ones when they come home, but they're never as close as they used to be. The few lucky people who can keep a bond like that will have my admiration and envy forever.



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