The End of an Era

So, it's March. That means that I have 2 more months of school. Officially, anyway. I have officially passed my last German test with a C, my last Math test with a D, and I am awaiting the grade to my last French test next week. Also next week is the last Latin test and after that the last English test.

No more high school.

It's surreal. In a matter of months, I will be graduating high school (two years too late, but no matter). I will no longer be in a building filled with 11-18-year-olds every day for 6 hours a day. No longer will I be bumped into by tiny children in the hallways, no longer will I have to listen to said children screaming during breaks, no longer will I check the sub list with a deranged sort of hope that some teacher called in sick.

No more high school.

No more reading classic German literature, no more integers, no more absurd music lessons. No more easy-peasy English classes, no more French class with the crazily lovable teacher, no more Latin. No more watching movies in Biology, no more shouting at the Physics teacher, no more geeky Chem lessons.

No more high school.

There's not much that can explain this feeling: fear, trepidation, exhilaration, pessimism, optimism, realism, nausea, happiness...None of them, not even the combination, can even come close to this feeling. Freedom? Not even close.

No more high school.

Of course, I can say that phrase as much as I want, but it doesn't mean that I am done with school forever. I start college in the Fall. A whole new school, a whole new process, a whole new team of people to work with. New experiences, new friends, new challenges...On the one hand I can't wait, on the other I can.

I have so many doubts about my choice in college, my choice in career! I hope that I made the right choice in tourism and hotel management, because I can see myself as a workerbee in a hotel, but there are other aspects that could mean disaster.

Sometimes I think I was meant to do something else, sing, act, write...Of course, all of those are unrealistic goals (because I am the first to say that while I can sing, I am by no means a great singer). In all actuality, I am more interested in the behind the scenes of the great people entertaining our world.

Whenever I watch the extras on DVDs, there's usually a BTS tour of the movie set, same with TV shows. I love watching them so much because the idea of a family made up of people striving for the same things seems so cool. Whenever I watch movies or shows there is always, always, always a scene where I think, "It must have been so cool/fun to shoot that." Ask my mother, she'll tell you. She's probably so sick of hearing that.

I've never been all too comfortable in the spotlight -- believe me, I've had enough moments in it to last me a lifetime -- so a spot backstage would be ideal. Probably why working in a hotel seems like a good idea. Hotel workers are usually pretty invisible.

So, I'm cutting this short. Live long and prosper!



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