30 Day Writing Challenge: Day Five

Something in life that gives me balance

Something in life that keeps me balanced? I'm not quite sure what to make of this. I suppose I could say that I keep myself from going insane by going for long walks. No, not long walks on the beach under the moonlight or any of that romantic crap (please someone tell me what the hell is so romantic about the smell of salt and the feeling of squishy sand between your toes when you walk and the gross layer of salty sweaty water that accumlates over your skin when you go for a walk on the beach?). Sometimes, when I can't stand being around people, don't want to sit still, want to scream because I can't hear myself thinking, I go outside and walk off the steam.

It's a real release, just letting go of my emotions and thoughts and letting them and the accompanying music have free reign over my mind. Pounding the concrete, thinking about whatever suits me, feeling the wind in my hair and face...It's a nice feeling. One of the best.

Through these walks I've found a sense of balance, I guess you could say. When I can't handle the real world, I slip into my world (I like my world much better).



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