30 Day Writing Challenge: Day Eighteen

Someone you met randomly that's made an impact on your life.

I don't think this counts as particularly random, but I met my Austrian best friend by pure chance in 9th grade. I was new to the class, had grabbed a seat in the front row (my row of choice, get all the snickering out right now before you keep reading, jerks), and was minding my own business reading when all of a sudden, someone taps my shoulder and asks me if she and her friend can switch seats with me so they can sit closer to their friends. Naturally, willing-to-please as I am, I agreed and moved one row back (now I was sitting second row out of three. Practically in the shadows!).

Later that week, the girl's friend (the one who hadn't spoken with me, but had taken my seat), came to talk to me and told me she thought her friend had been rude and she really didn't want to sit up front and she was sorry.

From then on, we were fast friends. We stayed close for a long time, had our ups and downs as all friends tend to, and unfortunately, we drifted apart last year when I moved up to graduation and she had to stay behind in 11th grade, but she says she's ok with that, because she hated everyone in our class anyway.

She's made an impact on my life by just coming up to me first. The new kid at school, no one really knows anything about her...And in the short time I'd spent in the classroom prior to their request to take my seat hadn't convinced me that I would like the class all too much, but she changed my mind.

And I have to say, I'm very happy with how my academic career here ended (or is about to in a few days/a month).

Without her, I would've been the weird American sitting in the front row.

Thanks, Nika.



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