A New Beginning

Well, I'm sad to say that we won't be speaking for long amounts of time. Longer, in fact, than most of the time between the other posts have been. You see, Blogger, I just passed my final exams and in 3 days (because it's 12:30 Sunday morning at the moment), I will be graduating high school. If I told you about my awesome school plan, you'll be disappointed to hear that I will not be getting my schooling here in Austria, but have rather been forced to take the road back to America. 

Not that that's a bad thing, to be sure. In fact, I'm quite excited. Being out of my parents' house at the ripe age of 19-almost-20? Everyone's dream. Moving in with my best friend? Always been our dream. Actually being able to see my boyfriend IN PERSON whenever I want? Heaven on Earth. Getting a job, working my way through the wonderful world of adulthood, spending Christmas the way I remember it, free of worries about getting homework in on time (at least for a little while)...

But there are the downsides that come with this lifestyle. Namely: Being an ocean away from my mother? Not being able to talk to her every day or hug her or see her? And I know what you're thinking, "There's always the internet, Skype, webcams, holidays, vacations"... But the fact is: We're not gonna be well off enough to be able to afford annual trips to or from Europe to see each other. Once every three years MAYBE. Unfortunately, Kaytee doesn't have an internet connection at her house, but if I'm lucky I can always hit up a McDonald's for some free wifi and maybe Dib might let me use his Skype (or at least his internet) to call her once in a while. But those times will probably be few and far between, I'm afraid. 

Which is also the reason for the blogging-standstill. No internet = No blogging. But hey, since the only person who reads this thing is the person I'll be living with, I guess the main intention of the blog is pretty pointless now. Oh well...It was nice to have an online diary. Maybe if I get famous (since that's apparently what the entire faculty of my school now thinks I'm destined to do), I'll print all this out and make a book. I have a lot of material. This blog, Facebook surveys, Myspace blogs, handwritten journal entries (that I can only partially read, to be honest...bad handwriting. On my checklist for things to do before I die: Clean up the handwriting) all compiled over the course of the last 7-8 years should make for an interesting book. And, of course, I still have the red felt journal my sister bought me in 2006, which I just wrote in for the first time in three (count 'em: THREE) years not too long ago. 

Since I won't have this to vent to, I'll take the handwritten route and see what comes out of that. Although I'd most love to throw the piece of embarrassing trash AWAY, I will keep it. Might be worth something some day. But the other journals are cleverly hidden away in Germany, so...if you want to collect the puzzle pieces, you know where to find them, future readers of this blog. ;)

Come Monday, I will officially be a US citizen on patriotic ground. Whoo!



xolexo said…
Lol, Kaytee's not the only one who ever reads this blog.

And, since I've already told you almost all I have to say about you returning to America, I'll just skip to the generic part: Good luck in all your endeavors. I hope you achieve all your dreams. Love you like my baby sister and hate to see you go.


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