Book Review: Angelmonster

Book: Angelmonster
Author: Veronica Bennett
Link: Angelmonster


Mary Godwin is a writer. Her father was a writer, and her mother was a writer, too. She believes in feminism, but also in true love. But most of all, she believes that when the poet Percy Shelley comes to her father's book store looking to sell his book of poetry, he was really meant to find her instead. The two soon fall in love, making plans for marriage and children, but their relationship can never blossom past a churchyard romance, because Shelley is still married. So the couple, with their accomplice, Mary's step-sister, Jane, flee England for Europe. They take a boat to the continent and on the way, they meet a painter who tells them the story of a scientist who dug up bodies and patched them together, trying to reanimate them. And thus Mary's story is born.

After many years and many dead children, Mary's perfect angel starts to turn into a monster, and nothing can save them now...


An interesting period romance novel. Most of the story is based on real events, with some literary liberties taken by the author. The story is fun to read, and everyone will surprise you in the end. It's dramatic and sad, but everything about it screams 'this could have happened'. Easy to read and not too long, the book describes Mary Shelley's path to writing Frankenstein. In many ways, Frankenstein could seem like a true story when you read Angelmonster.


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