...or just rant about how we can't seem to no matter what we do.

Ladies and gents, it's time for a round of CHLOE WANTS TO RANT.

So, I love flying in planes. I love the feeling of rolling around the tarmac in a big huge hunk of metal and fluid and taking off into the air (which, by the way, baffles me to no end. Who the hell decided that people belonged in the air? I mean, do you really believe the Icarus theory...? But that's a horse of a different color.) and I particularly love looking out the window and seeing the clouds from above and watch the scenery underneath me as I make my way to whatever destination I so desire.

But, as my first flight today (no, I'm not a flight attendant or anything, I'm just on vacation) was descending and I spent the entire time looking out the window at the lush green ground surrounding the airport. And it made me think about how the entire country was like that once. Green, flourishing, alive...

What happened, America? We wanted bigger, better, more...and what did it get us? It got us skyscrapers and cookie cutter neighborhoods and less and less space -- the very thing that made America so valuable to settlers in the first place -- and what now? What do we do now? Are we going to just cut down what precious trees we have left? There's a reason there's a bit of green in the middle of NYC, people, and it's not just for recreational value. We need the environment more than we need all the high-end gadgets and fancy cars and other ozone-destroying devices.

Of course, I'm typing this on a practically brand new computer as I charge my $400 phone and watch a DVD on a nice TV.

It just makes me wonder how long it's going to take for us to completely destroy the miniscule chance we even had to save this planet. There's always going to be more, more, more and the more, more, more we get, the less, less, less space we have to put all the old more, more, more. Eventually it's going to end up like Wall-E, where we have to live in a floating cruise ship in space until we eventually just lose any and all will to perform regular human tasks, like walking. Or touching.

I, for one, find this utterly disturbing. I honestly hope I die before that ever happens, because if it does, then I just don't want to live on this planet anymore anyway.


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