
Showing posts from August, 2008


...yea, I have NO idea... I just felt the need to tell you all that my room (and right outside of my window) is being attacking by fliiiiiiies! Icky, I know. But seriously, this fly has been in my room for three days now (I just foudn out there are two, which can't mean anything good for me...x/) and it WON'T LEAVE. I have the windows open ALL DAY, but it will not fly out. It refuses. It's EVIL. I finally got the one out (I had to kill the other one...I haven't seen any other flies yet...thank Goooood) and now it's buzzing around outside my window, trying to get in my room. -.-' This is almost as bad as my growing spider paranoia. I hate insects. They are evil. And yes, I am aware that a spider is not considered an insect, but shaddap! --Cassy

Ok, so...

...remember like, two or three posts ago I was talking about a new hair cut? And how it was gonna look like Julia Stiles in The Prince and Me ? Well...yea, it doesn't. Haha. I got my hair cut today and I really like it, even if it does look kinda square...haha. I might put pictures up later, and I might not. (Seeing as I'm apparently not good at keeping promises about putting pictures up on my blog...hehe) In other news... Eric gave me a really good music video yesterday, which I am actually going to share with you right now. So feel special, people, because I won't do this often (hehe, and we all know how true that is...) So go watch it and love it, because it's awesome! --Cassy " There is a long way to love that I must travel. "

I kissed a girl...

Hehe, no, I haven't kissed a girl lately, but that's the song that somehow made me want to redecorate my room. And by redecorate, I mean move the furniture around. And let me tell you, it's one helluva song (it'll be on my playlist later if you're reading this shortly after I wrote it; if not - it's on there now) because I'm telling you. I've been moving furniture for half an hour and my end result is thus: Nothing's changed. Ok, so, first, I thought that since there was a big space between my desk, which is in the the corner of my room right next to the window (it's a big, around-the-corner desk that the people before us left here), and my monster of a closet, which stretches all across the wall on the side of the room with the door (which is pretty darn long), I could move the bunkbed that my mother is making me keep so, in the off chance I ever have a friend over, she can sleep in the top bunk, where I usually store stuffed animals, discarded...

Let's Play Teacher

Well, I may not have told you on here, but my mom's planning on becoming a self-employed english teacher...working out of our home, of all places. Anyway, she's made up lessons and lesson plans and levels and whatnot already, and right now, she's having me proof-read both levels (level one and level two. xD), which are basically binders with a million papers in them each. Now, as fun as that all sounds, you know, reading lesson plans and correcting whatever typing/spelling mistakes I find, I also have to do the exercises in the back of the books, to make sure that they're understandable (and, of course, to check for any spelling mistakes and whatnot). And as I'm doing these exercises, I'm slowly coming to the realization that the english language is sometimes insanely easy and at other times insanely stupid and slang-like. For example: Negate the following sentences: ... You never ordered a side dish. How do you negate an already negative sentence? I mean, I ask...

Happy Birthday, Benny!

Happy Birthday to my baby cousin, Ben! He's turning 6 today! (Well, my today...right now, for him, it's like...9 pm Saturday. But almost!) And congrats on the loose tooth! Is it obvious that I'm trying to waste a blog post? --Cassy ^.-

Time for a new 'do

Well, I was watching The Prince and Me earlier (actually, I've been watching it for like three days, because I keep having to stop watching it for some reason, but today I finished it, go me!) and I decided that Julia Stiles' hairstyle (punnage!) in the movie would probably be manageable with my nifty little hair straightener, so I've called up my hairdresser, Nelly, and made an appointment for around the 20th (depending on our schedules) for a hair cut. I even printed out pictures of the cut and everything. I'm so proud. -tear- Now, I know every time I get a haircut, I say, "I'm gonna let it grow out this time," but that never happens, because, if you know me, you know that I have the irresistable urge to always have something in my life change at irregular times. That, more often than not, would be my hair, seeing as it's the easiest to change (see two posts earlier, purple hair? Get it?), and I always like to be one step ahead of the haircutting tr...